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Real-time marketplace, allowed scalability on a 8-engine end–to-end

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    React Native, Node & Express.js, Azure PaaS, .NET Framework, Software as a service

    Client background

    Created to help SME’s correct working capital imbalances and constraints without resorting to debt or recourse. Its innovative approach to the market has generated traction and a track-record of 20% loyalty ratio and 0% default rates throughout its existence. The operation is currently suspended for M&A reasons.

    Business challenge

    Decskill designed a real-time marketplace based on an innovative technological stack at the time (2017 | JavaScript stack, Azure Cloud, Google Firebase), which allowed scalability in every direction on an 8-engine end-to-end platform. Through the creation of AI/ML algorithms fed with data from third parties, AML, and financial risk analysis engines were created, which allowed them to not suffer any fraud action. Integrations were made with other banks.

    New Anderthal’s approach

    As speed and user-friendliness were the main aspects to take into account (apart from the aforementioned cost reduction) Decskill produced a tool called OnSight based on WebRTC for video calls, therefore avoiding the necessity for an App installation in the client’s smartphone. It is hosted in Google Cloud, ensuring high levels of security, redundancies, and available resources, which in turn grant a very positive performance commitment with high availability levels. Decskill also designed the tool to be integrated with the client’s internal diagnose platform as well as their CRM.

    Value delivered

    Decskill was capable of achieving results in less than 6 months by deploying a fully functional marketplace with:

    • 99% efficiency in security assessments (2 independent)
    • 0% downtime throughout the entire operation
    • 70% reduction on time consumption for customers when compared to traditional banking solutions
    • 0% default rate on operations (20% automatic rejections)

    While in operation, NetInvoice had a better like-for-like track-record than MarketInvoice (nowadays MarketFinance) in the UK (market 40 times larger than PT).

    Discover how to operate when your business is moving faster than your technological projects